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PackitUp - Discover the world together!Use PackitUp to share your travel routes with others or join fellow travelers in their journeys. Never before has traveling been so easy and convenient! PackitUp is the new social network for travelers which enables you to easily find travel buddies for short trips, long journeys or just a quick meeting.
Here is how it works:
THE MAPAll you need is this app and you are ready to go! On the PackitUp map you will see the destinations and routes from travelers departing in your area. Simply browse the map, click the destination markers from travelers around you and check out the details about the trip.
THE MESSAGESIf you have found a route you like, just message the traveler and get together!
THE FILTERYou can either use your GPS as a start location or you can use the filter to specify a custom start location. In the filters you can also edit your travel date or set a time window.
INSERT A ROUTEIf you want to publish a route, just specify the locations and the dates and give some information on what the route is all about, if it is a round-trip or a one-way and what you plan on doing there.
For further information on how to use PackitUp please follow this link: www.packitup.ioIf you have any questions or complaints please contact [email protected] fun traveling the world with PackitUp!
Your PackitUp Team